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Where to Buy Bearded Dragons for Sale

Ready to shop for your next lizard?

There are a few places we recommend shopping for your next reptile companion.

Here's a quick summary:

Where to Buy Bearded Dragons Near Me?

Big Box Pet Stores

Big box stores may be the "easy" place to get your first bearded dragon, but when it comes to a high quality specimen that you'll enjoy for years, it's best to look to the reptile breeding experts. The big box stores often have regular bearded dragons available but you'll be hard-pressed to find a wide variety of bearded dragon morphs in stock.

Online Bearded Dragon Stores and Breeders

Online breeders are a great option because they often have a bigger variety of morphs, they are reptile specialists, and they offer live arrival and health guarantees.

Here are a couple of quality bearded dragon morph stores online:

Cbreptile.com - We like this site because they have a wide veriety of each reptile they have in stock. They are experts at breeding bearded dragons in captivity so that you can enjoy them.

Xyzreptiles.com - XYZ Reptiles has a doesn't have many varieties of bearded dragon morphs in stock but they have many happy customers. You can get everything you need for your scaly friend at their shop online.

Reptile Expos In My Area

Reptile expos are a great place to see lots of fascinating creatures and meet breeders. However, they aren't readily nearby for most people. Also, the animals that are brought in for the expos are often very stressed and can be more vulnerable to disease.

Local Bearded Dragon Breeders Nearby

This is a great option if you can find local bearded dragon breeders because you'll be able to see the environment that the snake grew up in and also possibly meet it's parents. The bearded dragon may avoid extended travel through shipping but it also may not include a health guarantee.

Bearded Dragons Make Good Pets

Bearded dragon are beautiful creatures, every one is unique! They are also gentle and easy to handle pets. The "beard" in bearded dragon describes the scaly 'beard' on their neck, which they flare out in mating season.

If you're looking to buy a bearded dragon, you may be interested for a more specific type of bearded dragon morph. Below are some popular bearded dragon morphs you might be interested in seeing.

are bearded dragons good pets? looking into a bearded dragon face
what is a bearded dragon morph? picture

What is a Bearded Dragon Morph?

A bearded dragon morph is a blend of two different colored bearded dragons, resulting in unique and captivating colors on its scales. Most morphs are captive bred.

Types of Ball Python Morphs For Sale

picture of red bearded dragon for sale

Red Bearded Dragon

The red bearded dragon has a vibrant red color, with variations in shade and intensity. They can grow up to 18-24 inches in length

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patterned and white pied ball python for sale

Leatherback Bearded Dragon

The Leatherback Bearded Dragon has a smooth, scale-less back, which gives it a unique appearance. This morph is available in a range of colors, including red, orange, citrus, and more.

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picture of hypo bearded dragon

 Hypo Bearded Dragon

 Hypo Bearded Dragons typically have a lighter coloration compared to other Bearded Dragons, with a reduction in dark colors in their skin, eyes, and nails. The Hypo trait helps to bring out the vibrant colors of the Bearded Dragon’s scales, making them appear more intense and striking.

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Fancy Bearded Dragon

Fancy bearded dragons can have color variations, such as red, orange, or blue, They also have smoother skin and less scaling, Larger body size, and unique patterns or markings.

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Citrus Bearded Dragon

 This gorgeous, boldly colored lizard is a real eye-catcher (though some can be neutral tones).

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Witblit Bearded Dragon

Witblits are a recessive masking genetic that masks pattern and mutes color. They can be completely patternless!  In professionally line-bred Witblits, the earth tone is brighter and almost orange.

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Inferno Bearded Dragon

Inferno Bearded Dragons have a vibrant orange-red color with a yellowish-brown underside. They have a long, slender body with a flat, broad head and a long, thin tail.

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Ball Python FAQs

Have questions before you shop for a ball python? Get answers here!

    Do ball pythons like to be held?

    Ball pythons enjoy exploring their surroundings when in the right mood. While they may not necessarily love to snuggle, they do enjoy getting out for exercise and see some variety.

    What supplies do I need for a ball python?

    Some of the basic supplies you'll need to take care of a ball python are an enclosure (see our recommendations here), substrate, a heat source, water dish, hide, and secure top. Depending on the humidity in your area, you'll want to have a way to control that.  Thermometers and hygrometers can help you keep track of what's going on in your snake habitat.

    What's the best ball python tank size?

    You'll want to get a ball python enclosure that fits your snake. Baby ball pythons can start off in a 10 gallon tank. 

    For a snake under 3 feet long, use a tank around 40 gallon size. 

    Ball pythons over 3 feet long will need 120 gallon size or equivalent. 

    For more on ball python tank size recommendations, check out our enclosure reviews here. 

    Does a ball python need a heat lamp?

    As cold blooded reptiles, ball pythons need a way to warm up iin their habitat.  We recommend either using a heat lamp or a heated mat if your enclosure allows you to do so safely to create a space that is around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as have a cooler space around 80 degrees. 

    What's the best bedding for a ball python?

    The best ball python substrate helps retain an element of moisture, while also being safe for their scales and lungs. Coconut husk based bedding, paper, aspen or cypress mulch are good options.

    For the health of your ball python, DO NOT use pine or cedar, sand, gravel, fluff or pellets.


Collecting, and even breeding ball python morphs can be a living appreciation of the art of nature's creations.

Ready to see more ball python morphs?

image of a captive bred ball python morph inside snake enclosure